Abby’s latest interviews, articles and useful resources for you to explore…

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How adopting a “growth mindset” could boost your resilience during uncertain times

Abby speaks to Stylist abot why developing a growth mindset could be the key to feeling more in control during a tough time like the present.


Work happiness: why a “values-based” career could be the secret to greater satisfaction

The always-fabulous Stylist Magazine picks Abby’s brain on the real foundation of #careergoals


Do what you love and you will more than succeed, you will soar…

Abby is invited to write for female-empowerment platform The Female Lead, sharing her top tips for a values-based career.


Cultivating a Values-Based Career that Makes your Soul Sing

Online home of time well-spent, Your Coffee Break invites Abby to share her thoughtful guide to uncovering your values for a more fulfilling career…


‘Do what you love and you will more than succeed, you will soar’

There’s a hidden secret to a career well-lived…