
About me.


Hi, I’m Abby, Wife, Mother, Food and Cornwall Lover as well as an accredited ICF coach trained in both life and business coaching.

What drove me to become a coach? I’ve been through the process of being coached myself and, honestly, it’s been life changing. In fact, it’s what’s drove me to become a coach myself.

I’ve experienced first-hand the benefits of coaching; the time, questions and support to understand myself at a deeper soul level, define my goals and work through the beliefs that were holding me back from living my best and most fulfilled life. I have achieved more in the years since being coached than I had done in the previous decade. The benefits are life changing.

Through my passion to support the people behind the brands and businesses to achieve their goals through my roles as a Marketing consultant and trainer, I took steps to become an accredited ICF coach so I could support more people, not just businesses, to live their best life and feel fulfilled.

Why ‘The Whole You’ coaching? Because you bring the whole of you to any situation. I’ve also found that all elements of your life need to be working in harmony for you to feel balanced (work, relationships, family, lifestyle, passion points etc). I will work with you to ensure we look at you and your life as a whole. I bring all of me to coach the whole of you, so you can live a life your soul desires.

What its like to be coached by me? I am open and supportive. I will often share openly my own personal life and work experiences to help embed the principles or understanding. I empower you by sharing the theory behind the tools and techniques, so I am not only coaching you but teaching you the tools, so you can use them time and time again. I am your biggest supporter….

What do I believe? I believe in owning who you are and what you put into the world is the first step in building the confidence you need to start building your life by design. I believe in life by design and that you can design and live the life you want on your terms, so that life is happening for you not to you. I’m passionate about ensuring you have clarity on who you are, what you need and want your life to look like as a whole. I believe we can overcome beliefs that have and may stop us from achieving these goals. I believe the answer lies within, within our soul to be precise, we just need the time and space to start listening.

Your biggest Fan I love nothing more than seeing my coachees take the steps to bring their goals and dreams to life. Don't get me wrong it takes daily action and hard work to achieve the life you want. It’s a continual process of growth, but my goal is to ensure you always feel supported and empowered to take the necessary steps to make your goals a reality. I want you to be able today and in the future to make decisions that align with your values and your goal.

I’ve guided many amazing coachees to gain a deeper level of understanding of themselves, gain clarity on what they want and need on a deep rooted soul level. I’ve empowered them to take the reigns and overcome any beliefs that are stopping them and have supported them every step of the way. Many going on to become close friends.

Added benefits and understanding if you are currently working in a corporate environment , running your own business or thinking about starting one , I have been there and I get you. I have over 20 years experience of delivering growth for brands and businesses initially in the corporate world as a Marketer and now through my own business, Labyrinth Marketing. I therefore draw on this experience to not only relate but also advise and coach you on starting or growing your own business or navigating your career within corporates. I am a Chartered marketer, Fellow and accredited trainer and consultant for the CIM, as well as an award-winning marketer my most recent accolade being independent consultant of the year awarded by WIM.


My marketing and capability consultancy, Labyrinth Marketing, which I founded and direct, won agency of the year 2018 at the BOC excellence awards. I am passionate about supporting the people behind brands and business which I do through @thewholemarketer podcast and though my book, which I’m about to launch.

My approach to coaching.

In one line, my approach is: all about you….

  • Giving you a safe place, someone who fully listens to you, without judgement. Someone who provides a mix of challenge, enlightenment and inspiration to support you in connecting with yourself to define your values and what you want for your life.

  • Give you the clarity and inspiration you need to live your life as a whole, so all elements are balanced. 

  • Once you’re clear on what you want, help you create a path to achieve it as fulfillment comes from achieving your goals and desires. 

  • Giving you the whole of me during our sessions. Sharing my own experiences, tools and techniques so you can relate and feel empowered throughout your life.

What I ask in return? For you to…

  • Bring your whole self when working together, share your true thoughts and feelings. 

  • Bring commitment and drive to create the change you want.

  • Believe you are worth the time and work. You are the most important project you will work on. I believe in “Life by design”, meaning you are in control to create and build the life you want to live.

Proven credentials

I am proud to have earned accrediation as an Associate Certified Coach, the only globally recognised professional coaching credential, approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). It is awarded to coaches who demonstrate commitment to high professional and ethical standards in the coaching industry, and dedication to continued growth and education.

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“It's completely opened my eyes and mind to looking at my life from a different perspective, making sure I feel more fulfilled with what (I have discovered) makes me happy and eliminating any negative beliefs that have stopped me allowing myself to enjoy certain aspects of my life previously.”

— Sophia H